
Showing posts from July, 2021

On to Cleveland and Cedar Point

The lake was calm and our trip to Ashtabula was enjoyable. Hundreds of small fishing boats were on the lake. We bought fuel and anchored, one of the few boats to ever anchor in Ashtabula. We got up early to catch the 530am bridge opening. A parade of fishing boats mostly single file, led the way. We were at the end of the line. As soon as they passed the breakwall, they throttled  down and created huge wakes. We were happy to see them gone.                                          Our next stop was Cleveland.                                          Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Our marina was next to this iconic building. What a great spot to dock. We toured the Hall and a science hands on museum next door. It was a funfill day. Later, I took the dingy up the Cuyahoga, the river that bi-sects the city.  There were many lift bridges  that lined the waterfront, none of which I needed  opened. Cleveland 's fireboat Vermilion,  OH was our next stop. Our first night was at the town dock w

The Lake

  Black Rock Lock, say that three times, is an federal Army Corps of Engineers lock on the Niagara  River. Its only a five foot lift that bypasses the fast flowing river. This is our last lock until Chicago. BUFFALO LIGHT The lake this day was rolling. With Buffalo behind us, we entered our first Great Lake unprepared  for the conditions that we were about to experience.  All that time traveling across the Canal  in slack water made us complacent and we paid the price. At first we were rolling then we took a pounding. Loose gear went flying all over. Pans flew out of the oven. Instant pot went crashing. Nancy was pissed. I was disappointed that I didn't  ensure everything was stowed stowed before we left..Not a typo. Anything  that's  not secured in the cabin will become flying objects in pounding seas. Our destination was Dunkirk but our patience was long used up. I saw on our navigation system a duck in spot called  Cattaraugus Creek with a break wall. We were happy to be of

The Bridges

 I look where we are and wonder where the time went by.  Weeks went by since an update, as you all know. This could be the laziest blog writing on the net. After leaving Fairport, we followed a fun loving couple doing the loop on a sailboat without a mast. It was removed before they bought the boat. Their boat gets great fuel mileage. Mark and Cheryl leading the way to 15 Lift bridges and the final lock on the Erie Canal. Yes, Mark is driving with his feet and Cheryl is taking thousands of pictures. They have been doing this since they left the west coast of Florida. Liberte is the boat and "Just Us" is the dink they have been towing thousands of miles.                                             BAR-B-Q clearing one of many lift bridges Thanks Cheryl.  Lockport, NY  Final series of locks, in fact, the only double lock on the system. an enjoyable 50ft rise.  This  is  the bridge  in Tonawanda.  It only opened twice, both as a test. Another bridge was built  lower nearby makin

More Towns or Villiages

I forgot to mention lunch in Lyons. After some bargain  shopping,  we stopped at William Street Tavern for a great lunch and a beer or two. They were passing out samples; smoked steak sandwiches.  WOW. Newark, NY was the  next  village to welcome us. They have a free clock museum at their library.  Later that day and across the street, the village had a benefit social. Strawberry short cake with ice cream. Very good. The town had a free concert on the waterway.  I launched the dingy to do some fishing. My usual luck, nothing although I had a good time netting garbage that was floating in the canal. Free docks--the least I could do and was thanked by several local people from the concert. The picture showing  Nancy pulling a wagon  is a slight representation  of reality. We must walk to resupply everywhere  we go. The 225lb rated all-terrian wagon is very usefull but we get the usual stares "where's your car". Little do they know. And yes, I'm the mule to pull the load