Departure Day

Riverside Marina to Chesapeake City free docks

 The parties are over and the good-bye's have been said. We had a great party Saturday and another great get together Sunday.  We left Riverside Marina and we are going to 'vacation' in the Chesapeake Bay.  The crab and fish stickers expire  the end of the month so we will make use of them. Anyone on the boat can fish and crab. The boat has the license. With Canada may/may not open, we decided that we will do the U.S. side of the Great Lakes, even if Canada opens. With our 'ships store' and gifts from friends, we have way too much alcohol on board to clear customs. Canada will have to wait until 2022.
                                  Some interesting scenes from the water passing Philadelphia.

We met our friend Bob and his wife for lunch at his marina Darby Creek. Bob has a Ranger Tug and we spent many hours inside at Riverside working on our vessels together. It was a good break.

Leaving Bob's marina. Thanks for the pic, Bob. My mate needs to store the fenders instead of waving but she is learning.


Our first day ended with the free docks in Chesapeake City, MD along the C&D Canal. The C&D provides a short cut from Baltimore to Philadelphia.

Two of the many ships using the canal on Tuesday. We only saw the Coast Guard  Monday while in the canal, although being passed by these huge vessels would have been a great experience.


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