Another Travel Day

Ilion NY to Sylvan Beach, Ny about 40 miles

We departed Ilion in the morning.  We locked through #19 and 20. Lock #21 was our first down lock. Instead of being raised up by the water, we were lowered. Lock #22 finished lowering us to Oneida Lake, near Syracuse. We are here until Saturday. Traveling is fun but down time is valuable. Please visit this blog They have a great blog, especially  June 8, when we met up. They have great pics throughout their blog and one day I'll have the skills to do a daily update like they have been doing since last September. .

It's Thursday, June 17

We are staying here at Sylvan Beach for several days. Come see us. It's  an easy drive to Syracuse. Give me a call.  Plan to depart Sunday, weather permitting.  Our friends, Greg and Helen--River Ranger-- are leaving in the morning, continuing their westward journey. It was a lot of fun traveling with them the last 9 or 10 days. Great pics with great people. Hope Canada opens for them and to meet back up in Mackinaw City or Island when they exit the "North Channel".


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