Fast Forward

This is an update. I write this at Mackinac Island. We got lucky  and have a slip for a few nights here on the island. It also so happens that twelve other loopers are here at this marina.. This island has been a tourist destination for many years. No automobiles are allowed.  Horse, bicycle,  or foot power are the only options. Tourist arrive all day by ferry boats. Some stay overnight in the Grand Hotel or other inns or b&b's. They say the are more fudge shops here than any other place in the world. 

So to update the blog I'll begin where I last wrote..

We left the crowds at Cedar Point and headed for the islands. Yes, there are islands in Lake Erie. Along the way we passed by River Ranger. We would meet them again in a few days. Put-In Bay was a place to see according  to all the locals we spoke to. It is filled with history, but it's also a big party time destination.

The young Admiral Perry defeated the British Navy near here. A tall monument symbolizes  the peace between the US and Canada. This is a place almost everyone rents a golf cart. They are everywhere. We tied to a mooring ball for two nights. ( a mooring ball is an anchoring system where a chain is attached between a floating ball and a permanent anchor. The boater attaches a short line to the ball. This way more boats are able to anchor in the same area.) A water taxi picks us up for the ride to shore. Our golf cart adventure took us around the  island. We saw a cave which was useless, the previous  owner removed the stalagmites and stalactites. We stopped at a nature  center where they had many different animal  species on display. 

The taxidermy  work was outstanding. All in all a great stop. 

We met back up with Greg and Helen from River Ranger at Kelly's Island. Another  good time with friends. They had boat work to get done, so they headed back to the mainland.

We decided to anchor out in the north bay. While looking for a spot, I hit something that caused a small bend on one of the blades. Not good. I made arrangements  with a marina back on the mainland to haul out the boat to switch the prop for the next day. Less than a hour and the spare prop was on and the boat was back in the water. While  looking for a place to stay, we once again met up with River Ranger. We all walked to a brewery, a large outdoor setting about 1 1/2 miles from the marina. Another great time with friends.

We traveled with River Ranger once again across Lake Erie, up the Detroit River, Lake St Claire, and the St Claire River. We split up again at Port Huron, when Greg and Helen decided to move on. We stayed a few days in Port then started our journey  north up Lake Huron. 

Lexington, MI was our next stop. Because of weather  concerns we stayed 5 days. It was time to go and we traveled 72 miles to Port Austin in a day. This was the longest travel day so far. We stayed 3 days. Our first day was at the marina. The last 2 were "on the hook".

We dingy over to the famous Turnip Rock

. We also explored some small caves in the dingy. The power of nature was on full display. We also met a couple on a sailboat we invited for drinks, Jeff and Pattie. So great meeting so many nice people. We also met Bob and Sally, a local couple who were waiting on parts to fix their boat. We invited  them over the next day and had a fun time. The following day Bob and Sally drove to Caseville, a stop for us 15 miles away. They drove for some parts and brought us blueberries they just picked and a

nightlight Sally made from a Crown Royal bottle we finished the night before. Another  great time. 

Cassville is at the thumb of Michigan. We had to cross the Saginaw Bay and the lake was rolling. We made a quick trip, traveling twice as fast as we normally  travel. We tied up at

East Tawas. We had packages to pick up and supplies to buy. Nancy almost made it to a bingo, but was not feeling good. Bad timing for her.

We stopped in Alpena. This is the beginning of the Thunder Bay Marine Sanctuary. Over the years many ships met their final resting place  visible in the clear water. NOAA installed  mooring  balls to tie to instead of the potential  damage  from anchors. The water was stirred abit so we only saw a few timbers from the wooden ships.

Continuing  up the coast, we anchored at Presque Isle once in the south bay and the next night in the north bay. Being away from light, the Milkey Way was visible  in all its glory. We rocked and rolled in the north bay. The fetch was rolling one way and the wind a different  direction.  This put us in the trough, which made an uncomfortable  time, rolling side to side. I deployed the extra anchor, positioning it to keep the bow of the boat into the waves. It worked and we fell asleep to the slapping of water on the bow. Nancy enjoyed the visits to the lighthouses. She even climbed the steps to the top. Another fun stop on our trip. Of course, being anchored,  I preformed  my ritual  cannonball. The water is getting cooler. Very refreshing. (COLD)

We got lucky and have 3 nights reserved at the marina  on Mackinac Island.  I just extended our stay for a 4th night. What a great life. This is a very popular tourist destination with ferry traffic constantly shuttling  passengers from the mainland. Everything  is transported  by horse wagons or bicycles.

Some of the 207 steps  we climbed to Arch Rock
Next day buggy ride stopped here. GO FIGURE 

We enjoyed a carriage ride partially  around the isle. Most of the island is owned  by the state as a park. This was the second National Park in the US although a few years later the Federal Government gave the island back to the state. The Grand Hotel is the showplace on the island with its 600 foot covered porch and high priced rooms. After 6 o'clock, men must wear coat and tie for dinner, something that's  not in my wardrobe. I guess I'll miss that experience,  probably  won't  fit in anyway. 

I know  this was long but you are are now caught up to our adventures. Since I have done a horrible  job updating  the blog, Nancy will take over this chore. I'll  give my two cents on occasion, but our trip blog is now Nancy's. 

Just in case we forget  our name.
There are hundreds of photos I have taken. Nancy has taken thousands I will insert  random pictures as Nancy takes over with the writing of the blog.




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