Illionis Waterway (10 -1) thru (10 - 8)

White Pelicans

(10 -1) Joliet wall was an interesting stop on our adventure . Leaving early to get to the lock was not what we expected. Getting there we found several boats anchored, waiting for the barge to get through. After 4 and 1/2 hrs. we were  on our way to the second lock where we waited 10 minutes for another pleasure craft to lock down with us. The sun was setting and the last few miles to theOttawa wall was in the dark. John had his spotlight on, so we could see to bouys.

With  2 boats docked there already, we made our spot at the end of the dock. Sequel,the boat we waited for in the lock, followed us to the wall,with no room to tie up so we let them raft up to us for the night. Everything worked out just fine. 

Laura & Chris are a nice couple. 51 miles traveled today.

(10 - 2) This morning, after Laura talked to a local couple about some marina 5 miles away, they were on their way. We did our laundry and got caught in the rain. After sausage and peppers for supper, I made a yellow cake, the first on the boat, which wasn't so bad. Hey ice cream makes everything taste better.

 (10 - 3) Still at Ottawa was one of those down days for us. John made homemade chicken soup, while I went to the store for a few things. His soup was very tasty. Later I got to watch the 49ers game. They lost to Seattle.

(10 -4) We left Ottawa to anchor out in the Small Henry Island some 61 miles away. After settling in, John got me a 3 day fishing license. It was pouring down rain, so I didn't have much takers. I saw a doe on  land that came out to feed on the foliage. This island is a bird and wildlife sanctuary, so we witnessed

bald eagles and golden eagles. We also heard an owl during the night as well as other sounds not very familiar with. 

(10 -5)Woke up to those nasty Mayflies. Small Henry Island isn't so small, since we discovered  that No Worries had anchored here in front of us during the night.  WE went 46 miles to East Peoria today to anchor near the Coast Guard station, so John could go  with the dinghy up an embankment to the Walmart. It was to steep for me to try.Watching our shows and falling to sleep was the end of our day. 46 miles today.

(10-6) Up at 6:30 had us go through the Peoria Lock. Then some 78 miles later we were anchored out in the Sincarte  Islands at a place called Bath Chute. After supper John took the dinghy up the river to see how far it was. It was quite a distance he said. I fished with no luck as usual. Quiet evening all around.

(10 -7) Still at Bath Chute today. John found  the reason our generator wouldn't start. It was the impellar that was giving us problems. After a few hours doing his yoga moves, he found that a piece of the old,old, one had a part of the impellar broken off that whoever replaced it last time did not notice. It turned  out just fine.  Watching him doing these yoga moves makes me appreciate the way he can figure out what went wrong and fix it. Oh yes I almost forgot to mention that upon waking this morning that I had indeed caught a catfish. Not bad for a 3 day license  of $19.50 for a 16 inch fish.

(10 - (8) Pulling up anchor from Bath Chute this day, had us hooked on a submerged log. Not to big but gave us some taught. Partied last night and I was fine but not John. Can't hold his Tequila. We were on our way to the Lagrange Lock Dam, and noticed these Asian Carp jumping from the sound of the barge that was about to pass us. One landed on the deck of our boat, so John had to get him off by opening the swim platform  door.WE anchored at the Norfolk Western Railroad Bridge for the night. Watching 2 deer feed,  eagles, fish jumping, stars and planets on a clear night was a  perfect anchorage. 63 miles today.



  1. Love reading about your adventures and your pictures are great. Miss you on the hill but glad that you are having a good time. Keep posting and we will keep reading.
    The Days

    1. We are happy to share these experiences. Such a great trip. Such a great life. The hill must be a bit different.


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