Remote Wilderness (11-13) thru (11-25) Days 164 to 175

Let's start at Florence, AL, to Luka MS, where we anchored out with this

amazing waterfall set back in off of the TN River. On to Dennis MS, where we stayed the night before Whitten Lock at, at mile 411.5. Going to Whitten Lock, we had to wait for an opening, so John dropped the anchor. When it was time to enter the lock our anchor got stuck on something.(what lies beneath). John had to go swimming and discovered that a steel cable was attached to our anchor. He was able to release it and we where on our way safely through the lock. Montgomery and Rankin locks where next before we arrived at Midway Marina, in Fulton MS. some 25 miles away. The next day greeted us with sunshine as we headed out to Columbus, MS, going through several locks (Fulton (391),Glover Wilk (376.3), Amory(371.1) and Aberdeen(357.5. Had supper at a place called Harvey's which was not the best choice.  Food was over spiced for my taste.  On to Warsaw AL, thru Locks John C. Stennis(334.7), Tom Bevill(306.8), and Aliceville(274.5) some 82 miles away. At  Demopolis,  we where greeted by  Good Spirits who helped us dock safely. We meet up with fellow loopers from time to time. It is always nice to see a friendly face. We stayed at Demopolis AL for 4 days waiting to have

boat hauled out, so John could change the zincs and also change the oil.  .Did some cleaning of the galley and berth while we waited. During the cleaning process I. accidently cut my thumb on a very sharp knife. Took awhile to stop the bleeding, but I am glad to say that it healed up nicely. Use of the courtesy car and we were all stocked up . After fueling up and our pump out, ,on Day 174, we went  thru Demopolis Lock on our way to (177.1) Edna, AL  another 45 miles. We anchored for the night by this

big sand bank. Here we saw a coyote, eagle, heard an owl during the night and of course the heron. 74 miles from Edna, had us at Okatuppal Wildlife Refuge, (123.3)  for the evening. The next day being Thanksgiving we went thru the Coffeyville  lock (116.8) on our  way to Three Rivers Lake (63.8). Our dinner feast was baked chicken with all the goodies that you would have on this day. Very grateful for having such a wonderful family and friends.     
Lack of cell service on these remote rivers. Someone's sense of humor. Old school.


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